Infant urinary tract infection in Sweden - A national study of current diagnostic procedures, imaging and treatment.
瑞典嬰兒尿路感染 - 目前診斷程序、影像學和治療的全國性研究。
Pediatr Nephrol 2024-07-15
Association between wet-bulb globe temperature and kidney function in different geographic regions in a large Taiwanese population study.
Clin Kidney J 2024-07-15
Periostin predicts all-cause mortality in male but not female end-stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis.
Cardiorenal Med 2024-07-14
Preoperative mapping and multidisciplinary team are the key to success of arteriovenous access for hemodialysis.
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) 2024-07-13
Clinical characteristics and favorable treatment responses of recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis or steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children after kidney transplantation.
Pediatr Nephrol 2024-07-13
Social determinants of health influencing the choice of dialysis modality in advanced chronic kidney disease: Need of an interdisciplinary approach.
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) 2024-07-13