Efficacy of a culturally adapted, cognitive behavioural therapy-based intervention for postnatal depression in British south Asian women (ROSHNI-2): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2024-10-15
5-year vaccine protection following a single dose of Vi-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in Bangladeshi children (TyVOID): a cluster randomised trial.
孟加拉國兒童單劑 Vi-tetanus toxoid conjugate 疫苗接種後5年的疫苗保護效果(TyVOID):一項集群隨機試驗。
Lancet 2024-10-15
Reductions in recurrence in women with early breast cancer entering clinical trials between 1990 and 2009: a pooled analysis of 155 746 women in 151 trials.
Lancet 2024-10-15
Electronic Nudges to Increase Influenza Vaccination in Patients With Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA 2024-10-11