Influence of autonomic neuropathy, systemic inflammation and other clinical parameters on mortality in dialysis patients.
Clin Kidney J 2025-02-21
The clinical outcomes of acute kidney injury substages based on serum cystatin C in pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
基於血清 cystatin C 的急性腎損傷亞階段在接受心臟手術的兒科病患中的臨床結果。
Ren Fail 2025-02-21
Nafamostat mesylate versus regional citrate anticoagulation for chronic hemodialysis in patients at high risk of bleeding: a single-center, retrospective study.
高出血風險患者的慢性血液透析中,Nafamostat mesylate 與區域檸檬酸抗凝的比較:一項單中心回顧性研究。
Ren Fail 2025-02-21
這項研究評估了 nafamostat mesylate (NM) 在高風險出血的血液透析患者中,作為抗凝劑的替代選擇,與檸檬酸相比。研究涵蓋196名患者,分析651次透析會議。結果顯示,使用NM的透析中,因凝血提前終止的情況顯著較少(0.84% vs. 5.19%),且重大凝血風險顯著降低(OR: 0.063)。更重要的是,NM並未增加重大出血事件的風險。因此,NM在預防凝血方面表現更佳,適合高風險出血的透析患者使用。
Prognosis of critically ill patients with early and late sepsis-associated acute kidney injury: an observational study based on the MIMIC-IV.
早期與晚期敗血症相關急性腎損傷的重症病患預後:基於 MIMIC-IV 的觀察性研究。
Ren Fail 2025-02-21
Comparison of the patency rates of catheter placement <i>via</i> the right external jugular vein route versus the right brachiocephalic vein route in patients experiencing tunneled-cuffed catheter loss.
Ren Fail 2025-02-21
Protein-energy wasting in chronic kidney disease: mechanisms responsible for loss of muscle mass and function.
Kidney Res Clin Pract 2025-02-21