The Emboless® venous chamber efficiently reduces air bubbles: a randomized study of chronic hemodialysis patients.
Emboless® 靜脈腔有效減少氣泡:一項針對慢性血液透析患者的隨機研究。
Clin Kidney J 2024-11-22
Ethical considerations on the use of big Data and Artificial Intelligence in kidney research from the ERA ethics committee.
ERA 倫理委員會對於在腎臟研究中使用大數據和人工智慧的倫理考量。
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2024-11-21
In Situ molecular profiles of glomerular cells by integrated imaging mass spectrometry and multiplexed immunofluorescence microscopy.
Kidney Int 2024-11-21