Performance of ChatGPT-4o on the Japanese Medical Licensing Examination: Evalution of Accuracy in Text-Only and Image-Based Questions.
ChatGPT-4o 在日本醫學執照考試中的表現:文本與影像問題準確性的評估。
JMIR Med Educ 2024-12-24
Artificial Intelligence, the ChatGPT Large Language Model: Assessing the Accuracy of Responses to the Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) Level 1-2 knowledge tests.
人工智慧,ChatGPT 大型語言模型:評估對婦科內窺鏡手術教育與評估 (GESEA) 1-2 級知識測試的回答準確性。
Facts Views Vis Obgyn 2024-12-24
Thyroid Eye Disease and Artificial Intelligence: A Comparative Study of ChatGPT-3.5, ChatGPT-4o, and Gemini in Patient Information Delivery.
甲狀腺眼病與人工智慧:ChatGPT-3.5、ChatGPT-4o 和 Gemini 在病患資訊傳遞中的比較研究。
Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 2024-12-24
Joint extraction of entity and relation based on fine-tuning BERT for long biomedical literatures.
基於微調 BERT 進行長篇生物醫學文獻的實體與關係聯合提取。
Bioinform Adv 2024-12-24
Harnessing multimodal approaches for depression detection using large language models and facial expressions.
Npj Ment Health Res 2024-12-23
The RepVig framework for designing use-case specific representative vignettes and evaluating triage accuracy of laypeople and symptom assessment applications.
RepVig 框架:設計特定使用案例的代表性小插圖並評估外行人和症狀評估應用的分診準確性。
Sci Rep 2024-12-23
Building a Human Digital Twin (HDTwin) Using Large Language Models for Cognitive Diagnosis: Algorithm Development and Validation.
利用大型語言模型建立人類數位雙胞胎 (HDTwin) 進行認知診斷:演算法開發與驗證。
JMIR Form Res 2024-12-23
Retinal Imaging Analysis Performed By ChatGPT-4o And Gemini Advanced: The Turning Point Of The Revolution?
ChatGPT-4o 和 Gemini Advanced 進行的視網膜影像分析:革命的轉折點?
Retina 2024-12-23
Comparison of the experience and perception of artificial intelligence among practicing doctors and medical students.
Wiad Lek 2024-12-23
ChatGPT Can Often Respond Adequately to Common Patient Questions Regarding Femoroacetabular Impingement.
ChatGPT 通常能夠充分回答有關股骨髖臼撞擊症的常見病人問題。
Clin J Sport Med 2024-12-23