腎臟科一週內新聞 / 共 104 篇 / 第 5 頁
ICI combination rechallenge does not improve outcomes in advanced renal cell carcinoma - Urology Times
ICI 組合再挑戰對於晚期腎細胞癌的結果沒有改善。
🕗 09-14 03:58 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Impact of Non-Dialysis-Requiring Acute Kidney Injury on Survival Outcomes in Non-critically Ill Hospitalized Medical Patients in a Resource-Limited Setting: A Retrospective Cohort Study - Cureus
🕗 09-14 03:29 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Trial finds no benefit of adding nivolumab to tivozanib for advanced kidney cancer - News-Medical.Net
試驗發現將 nivolumab 加入 tivozanib 對於晚期腎癌沒有益處
🕗 09-14 01:48 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
NKT-2152: Promising New HIF-2 Alpha Inhibitor for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma - Eric Jonasch - UroToday
NKT-2152:對於晚期腎細胞癌有前景的新型 HIF-2 Alpha 抑制劑
🕗 09-14 01:01 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Polygenic scores and their applications in kidney disease - Nature.com
🕗 09-14 00:15 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
How the CVAC System compares with URS for treating kidney stones - Urology Times
CVAC 系統與 URS 在治療腎結石方面的比較
🕗 09-13 23:35 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Extreme heat due to climate crisis puts people at greater risk of kidney disease - The Guardian US
🕗 09-13 23:33 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Belzutifan is associated with PFS and ORR gains in advanced kidney cancer - Urology Times
Belzutifan 與晚期腎癌的無進展生存期 (PFS) 和整體響應率 (ORR) 的提升有關。
🕗 09-13 23:20 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Decision factors for pediatric kidney replacement therapies may differ from guidelines - Healio
🕗 09-13 23:16 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Association between the lipid accumulation product and chronic kidney disease among adults in the United States - Nature.com
🕗 09-13 22:09 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Repeat immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy not rec | Newswise - Newswise
重複免疫檢查點抑制劑療法不推薦 | Newswise
🕗 09-13 22:05 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Semaglutide Reduces MACE, Death in Participants With CVD, Overweight/Obesity, and Impaired Kidney Function - Medscape
Semaglutide 減少心血管事件(MACE)、死亡率,適用於有心血管疾病(CVD)、超重/肥胖及腎功能受損的參與者。
🕗 09-13 21:17 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Semaglutide Reduces MACE, Death in Impaired Kidney Function - Medscape
Semaglutide 減少腎功能受損患者的 MACE 和死亡率
🕗 09-13 21:17 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Potential ADPKD Rapid Progression Marker Identified - Renal and Urology News
🕗 09-13 21:08 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
TiNivo-2 Trial Results: Tivozanib in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Treatment - Toni Choueiri - UroToday
TiNivo-2 試驗結果:Tivozanib 在晚期腎細胞癌治療中的效果
🕗 09-13 20:35 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Warming climate putting people at greater risk of kidney disease – study - The Guardian US
氣候變暖使人們面臨更高的腎臟疾病風險 – 研究
🕗 09-13 20:00 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
ESMO: Despite positive trial, Merck's Welireg still comes up short in overall survival - FiercePharma
ESMO:儘管試驗結果良好,Merck 的 Welireg 在整體生存率上仍然不夠理想。
🕗 09-13 20:00 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Research highlights cardiovascular benefits of semaglutide for overweight adults with impaired kidney function - News-Medical.Net
🕗 09-13 19:39 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Oban renal patients travelling five hours for treatment - BBC.com
🕗 09-13 18:48 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結
Turning Personal Loss into Personal Connections: A Nurse’s Journey Through Kidney Care and Heartbreak - DailyNurse
🕗 09-13 18:14 🔎站內相關文獻 🔗新聞連結