Enhancing Data Literacy On-demand: LLMs as Guides for Novices in Chart Interpretation.
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph / / 2024-06-12
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Large Language Models in Mining Gene Interactions and Pathway Knowledge.
bioRxiv / / 2024-02-14
A comprehensive evaluation of large language models in mining gene relations and pathway knowledge.
Quant Biol / / 2024-10-04
Utilizing large language models for identifying future research opportunities in environmental science.
J Environ Manage / / 2024-12-14
An Accurate and Efficient Approach to Knowledge Extraction from Scientific Publications Using Structured Ontology Models, Graph Neural Networks, and Large Language Models.
Int J Mol Sci / / 2024-11-09
Use of large language models as artificial intelligence tools in academic research and publishing among global clinical researchers.
Sci Rep / / 2024-12-31
Testing the reliability of an AI-based large language model to extract ecological information from the scientific literature.
NPJ Biodivers / / 2024-09-06
Expansive data, extensive model: Investigating discussion topics around LLM through unsupervised machine learning in academic papers and news.
廣泛的數據,龐大的模型:通過非監督式機器學習在學術論文和新聞中探討 LLM 的討論主題。
PLoS One / / 2024-05-31
研究探討2020年6月1日至2023年12月31日期間,針對大型語言模型(LLMs)的主題建模方法。使用Web of Science和LexisNexis數據,聚焦於"Large language model"、"LLM"和"ChatGPT"等LLMs。評估LDA、NMF、CTM和BERTopic等方法,發現BERTopic表現最佳。新聞報導著重LLM應用,學術論文則更專業。研究提供LLMs未來挑戰見解,對LLM服務業者有幫助。
ChatG-PD? Comparing large language model artificial intelligence and faculty rankings of the competitiveness of standardized letters of evaluation.
AEM Educ Train / / 2024-12-11
Harnessing LLMs for multi-dimensional writing assessment: Reliability and alignment with human judgments.
Heliyon / / 2024-08-08
<i>LitAI</i>: Enhancing Multimodal Literature Understanding and Mining with Generative AI.
<i>LitAI</i>: 透過生成式 AI 增強多模態文學理解與挖掘。
Proc (IEEE Conf Multimed Inf Process Retr) / / 2024-11-01
LLM Comparator: Interactive Analysis of Side-by-Side Evaluation of Large Language Models.
LLM 比較器:大型語言模型的並排評估互動分析。
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph / / 2024-09-10
LLM Comparator 是一款視覺分析工具,透過並排比較來提升對大型語言模型(LLMs)的評估。它解決了 LLM 評估中可擴展性和可解釋性的問題,讓使用者能分析為何某模型表現優於另一模型。這工具與 Google 專業人士合作開發,提供深入分析個別範例的流程,並讓使用者視覺化探索數據,識別模式、形成假設,並獲得改進模型的見解。LLM Comparator 已整合進 Google 的評估平台,並開源供更多人使用。
[Artificial intelligence and large language models: challenges and prospects in research and medicine].
Urologiia / / 2024-11-20
Comparative Analysis of Large Language Models in Chinese Medical Named Entity Recognition.
Bioengineering (Basel) / / 2024-10-25