What every clinician needs to know about chronic kidney disease: Detection, classification and epidemiology.
Diabetes Obes Metab / / 2024-05-28
Measuring Symptoms Across the Spectrum of Chronic Kidney Disease: Strategies for Incorporation Into Kidney Care.
Semin Nephrol / / 2024-08-29
Kidney Supportive Care for Working-Age Adults with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Profile of Characteristics and Symptom Burden.
Nephron / / 2024-01-18
The Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Gaps, Challenges, and Solutions.
Kidney Dis (Basel) / / 2024-02-10
Detecting and managing the patient with chronic kidney disease in primary care: A review of the latest guidelines.
Diabetes Obes Metab / / 2024-05-03
Nutritional and Dietary Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Under Conservative and Preservative Kidney Care Without Dialysis.
J Ren Nutr / / 2024-02-18