Regulation of GLP-1 and Glucagon Receptor Function by β-Arrestins in Metabolically Important Cell Types.
β-Arrestins 在代謝重要細胞類型中對 GLP-1 和 Glucagon 受體功能的調控。
Biochemistry 2025-02-21
GLP-1 and GIP receptors signal through distinct β-arrestin 2-dependent pathways to regulate pancreatic β cell function.
Cell Rep 2024-01-26
GLP1R and GIPR expression and signaling in pancreatic alpha cells, beta cells and delta cells.
Peptides 2024-04-08
The role of G protein-coupled receptor kinases in GLP-1R β-arrestin recruitment and internalisation.
G蛋白偶聯受體激酶在GLP-1R β-阻滯素招募和內化中的作用。
Biochem Pharmacol 2024-03-28
Characterization of genetic variants of GIPR reveals a contribution of β-arrestin to metabolic phenotypes.
Nat Metab 2024-06-13
Michael Krashes 對胰高血糖素樣肽-1(GLP-1)受體的研究,揭示了其在葡萄糖代謝和能量平衡中的重要性。GLP-1 是促進胰島素分泌的激素,能抑制胰高血糖素釋放並增強飽足感,幫助調控血糖。GLP-1 受體激動劑模仿其作用,已被用於治療第二型糖尿病和肥胖,透過增加胰島素分泌和減少食慾來促進減重。近期研究顯示,這些藥物對肥胖者的減重效果顯著,甚至對非糖尿病患者也有效,顯示出其在糖尿病和肥胖管理上的潛力。
Targeting central pathway of Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide, Glucagon and Glucagon-like Peptide-1 for metabolic regulation in obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Obes Metab 2024-12-26
Arrestin-independent internalization of the GLP-1 receptor is facilitated by a GRK, clathrin, and caveolae-dependent mechanism.
GLP-1 受體的 Arrestin 獨立內化是由 GRK、clathrin 和 caveolae 依賴的機制促進的。
FEBS J 2025-01-05