Comparison of the patency rates of catheter placement <i>via</i> the right external jugular vein route versus the right brachiocephalic vein route in patients experiencing tunneled-cuffed catheter loss.
Ren Fail 2025-02-21
Replacement Strategies for Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheters with Complications: A Nationwide Cohort Study.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2024-06-24
Comparison of feasibility and effectiveness of tunneled dialysis catheter placement with or without DSA guidance: a propensity score-matched cohort study.
Ren Fail 2024-07-10
Vascular access type and prognosis in elderly hemodialysis patients: a propensity-score-matched study.
Ren Fail 2024-08-09
The role of hemodialysis access in intradialysis and interdialysis vital sign variabilities and the development of dialysis headache.
Ren Fail 2024-10-08
Is it possible to reach the catheter target proposed by the guidelines? Reasons for catheter use in prevalent hemodialysis patients.
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) 2024-11-07
Direct anastomosis indwelling needle puncture: a rapid and safe transitional hemodialysis access for patients with renal failure.
Ren Fail 2025-01-19
Six-month safety and efficacy outcomes from the randomized-controlled arm of the WRAPSODY Arteriovenous Access Efficacy (WAVE) trial.
WRAPSODY 動靜脈通路療效 (WAVE) 試驗隨機對照組六個月的安全性和療效結果。
Kidney Int 2025-01-25