Interventions to improve oral health and related health behaviours of substance use, smoking, and diet in people with severe and multiple disadvantage: a systematic review of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.
Lancet 2024-03-08
A 3-year review of deaths in people under community justice supervision in Wales: a cross-sectional analysis.
Lancet 2024-03-08
Rates and causes of death after release from incarceration among 1 471 526 people in eight high-income and middle-income countries: an individual participant data meta-analysis.
釋放後在八個高收入和中等收入國家的 1,471,526 人中死亡率和死因:個別參與者資料的荟萃分析。
Lancet 2024-04-13
Ecological momentary assessment and cue-elicited drug craving as primary endpoints: study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial testing the efficacy of a GLP-1 receptor agonist in opioid use disorder.
生態瞬時評估與提示引發的藥物渴求作為主要終點:隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照臨床試驗的研究計劃,測試 GLP-1 受體激動劑在鴉片類藥物使用障礙中的療效。
Addict Sci Clin Pract 2024-07-26
Disparities in Use of Novel Diabetes Medications by Insurance: A Nationally Representative Cohort Study.
J Gen Intern Med 2024-07-31
The Efficacy of GLP-1 Agonists in Treating Substance Use Disorder in Patients: A Scoping Review.
GLP-1 受體激動劑在治療患者物質使用障礙中的療效:範疇回顧。
J Addict Med 2024-08-02
The association between glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and/or glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist prescriptions and substance-related outcomes in patients with opioid and alcohol use disorders: A real-world data analysis.
Addiction 2024-10-17
Buprenorphine/Naloxone vs Methadone for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder.
Buprenorphine/Naloxone 與 Methadone 在鴉片類藥物使用障礙治療中的比較。
JAMA 2024-10-17
這項研究比較了buprenorphine/naloxone與methadone在治療鴉片類藥物使用障礙的效果,特別是治療中斷和死亡率。研究分析了2010至2020年間30,891名患者的數據。結果顯示,使用buprenorphine/naloxone的患者在24個月內治療中斷的風險較高(88.8% vs. 81.5%),而死亡率方面,buprenorphine/naloxone為0.08%,methadone為0.13%,風險較低但不確定性高。整體而言,methadone的治療中斷風險較低,但兩者的死亡風險相似。
Emerging medications and pharmacological treatment approaches for substance use disorders.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2024-12-24