Multimodal approaches for inequality in kidney care: turning social determinants of health into opportunities.
Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2023-11-29
The health burden of air pollution in the UK: a modelling study using updated exposure-risk associations.
Lancet 2024-03-08
Mapping the Heartbeat of America with ChatGPT-4: Unpacking the Interplay of Social Vulnerability, Digital Literacy, and Cardiovascular Mortality in County Residency Choices.
透過 ChatGPT-4 追蹤美國心跳:探討社會弱勢、數位素養與心血管死亡率在縣居住選擇中的互動。
J Pers Med 2023-12-25
Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, and other large language models for social determinants of health: Current state and future directions.
人工智慧、ChatGPT 和其他大型語言模型在社會健康決定因素中的應用:現況與未來方向。
Cell Rep Med 2024-02-12
Differentiating mortality risk of individual infants and children to improve survival: opportunity for impact.
Lancet 2024-07-28
Individual and neighborhood-level social and deprivation factors impact kidney health in the GLOMMS-CORE study.
GLOMMS-CORE 研究中個人及社區層級的社會與貧困因素對腎臟健康的影響。
Kidney Int 2024-08-14
On the development and validation of large language model-based classifiers for identifying social determinants of health.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024-09-16
Large-scale identification of social and behavioral determinants of health from clinical notes: comparison of Latent Semantic Indexing and Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models.
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2024-10-13
Premature mortality and disparities in kidney healthcare for people with chronic kidney disease and severe mental health difficulties.
J Nephrol 2024-11-02
Using Large Language Models to Abstract Complex Social Determinants of Health From Original and Deidentified Medical Notes: Development and Validation Study.
J Med Internet Res 2024-11-19