Assessment of the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for Phentermine-Topiramate to Prevent Exposure During Pregnancy.
Ann Intern Med 2023-04-27
Term planned delivery based on fetal growth assessment with or without the cerebroplacental ratio in low-risk pregnancies (RATIO37): an international, multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2024-02-21
Provision of Medications for Self-Managed Abortion Before and After the Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization Decision.
Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization 案前後自我墮胎藥物供應。
JAMA 2024-03-28
Use of GLP1 receptor agonists in early pregnancy and reproductive safety: a multicentre, observational, prospective cohort study based on the databases of six Teratology Information Services.
BMJ Open 2024-04-27
Comprehensive Evaluation of a Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device (LNG-IUD), Metformin, and Liraglutide for Fertility Preservation in Endometrial Cancer: Protocol for a Randomized Clinical Trial.
子宮內避孕器 (LNG-IUD)、Metformin 和 Liraglutide 在子宮內膜癌中進行生育保存的綜合評估:隨機臨床試驗的研究計畫。
Life (Basel) 2024-07-27
First dose of misoprostol administration at home or in hospital for medical abortion between 12-22 gestational weeks in Sweden (PRIMA): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2024-08-31
The effect of tranexamic acid on postpartum bleeding in women with moderate and severe anaemia (WOMAN-2): an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
tranexamic acid 對中度和重度貧血女性產後出血的影響 (WOMAN-2):一項國際隨機雙盲安慰劑對照試驗。
Lancet 2024-10-26