Comparing bioimpedance spectrometry and traditional creatinine kinetics methods for the assessment of muscle mass in peritoneal dialysis patients.
Clin Kidney J 2024-11-06
The value of bioimpedance analysis in the assessment of hydration and nutritional status in children on chronic peritoneal dialysis.
Ren Fail 2024-01-11
Sarcopenia diagnosed by ultrasound-assessed quadriceps muscle thickness and handgrip strength predicts mortality in patients on hemodialysis.
J Nephrol 2024-01-24
Change over time in Pre-ESRD 24-hour urine creatinine as muscle mass surrogate and post-ESRD mortality.
透過時間變化的方式,以腎衰竭前期 24 小時尿液肌酐作為肌肉量替代物,並探討腎衰竭後死亡率。
J Ren Nutr 2024-03-21
Fat-free mass derived from bioimpedance spectroscopy and computed tomography are in good agreement in patients with chronic kidney disease.
J Ren Nutr 2024-06-07
Impact of Fat Mass on Osteoporosis, Sarcopenia, and Osteosarcopenia in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients.
Am J Nephrol 2024-08-18
Comparison between Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition criteria and protein-energy wasting in patients with kidney failure undergoing peritoneal dialysis.
J Ren Nutr 2025-01-29