Sarcopenic Obesity Versus Nonobese Sarcopenia in Hemodialysis Patients: Differences in Nutritional Status, Quality of Life, and Clinical Outcomes.
J Ren Nutr 2023-02-01
Milestones in the journey towards addressing obesity; Past trials and triumphs, recent breakthroughs, and an exciting future in the era of emerging effective medical therapies and integration of effective medical therapies with metabolic surgery.
Metabolism 2023-10-16
Maladaptive Eating Behaviours, Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Depression Severity: A Comparative Study between Adult Women with Overweight, Obesity, and Normal Body Mass Index Range.
Nutrients 2024-01-13
Update on eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors in metabolic bariatric surgery patients.
Curr Opin Psychiatry 2024-09-06
The Definition and Prevalence of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: Correlative Clinical Evaluation Based on Phenotypes.
Adv Exp Med Biol 2024-09-17