Nutrition and Physical Activity in Older Adults with CKD patients: Two Sides of the Same Coin.
慢性腎病 (CKD) 患者中老年人的營養與身體活動:同一枚硬幣的兩面。
Kidney Blood Press Res 2024-10-21
Therapeutic Exercise on Metabolic and Renal Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Narrative Review.
Nephron 2024-02-06
Interventions to increase physical activity level in patients with whole spectrum chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Ren Fail 2023-09-23
Does physical exercise ameliorate CKD-related complications? The case of anaemia and CKD-MBD.
Kidney Blood Press Res 2024-09-08