Exploring the Promise and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Clinical Practice.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2024-02-07
Artificial Intelligence in Senology - Where Do We Stand and What Are the Future Horizons?
乳腺學中的人工智慧 - 我們目前處於何種地步,未來展望如何?
Eur J Breast Health 2024-04-05
Trust but Verify: Lessons Learned for the Application of AI to Case-Based Clinical Decision-Making From Postmarketing Drug Safety Assessment at the US Food and Drug Administration.
J Med Internet Res 2024-06-06
A future role for health applications of large language models depends on regulators enforcing safety standards.
Lancet Digit Health 2024-08-23
Preventing unrestricted and unmonitored AI experimentation in healthcare through transparency and accountability.
NPJ Digit Med 2025-01-18
Medical AI and AI for Medical Sciences.
JMA J 2025-02-10
醫療數位轉型正快速發展,提升了服務品質和健康資訊的可及性,並減輕了醫療提供者的負擔。數據和人工智慧(AI)在此過程中扮演關鍵角色,特別是醫療AI,正從特定任務擴展為更通用的應用。大型語言模型被用來整理醫學知識,並重塑醫學科學。新方法「AI for Medical Science」透過預測模型來預測疾病,專注於「狀態」而非僅是症狀,能提高診斷準確性,推進P4醫學的發展。
Advancing Medical Research Through Artificial Intelligence: Progressive and Transformative Strategies: A Literature Review.
Health Sci Rep 2025-02-21