BioNexusSentinel: a visual tool for bioregulatory network and cytohistological RNA-seq genetic expression profiling within the context of multicellular simulation research using ChatGPT-augmented software engineering.
Bioinform Adv 2024-04-05
Harnessing full-text publications for deep insights into C. elegans and Drosophila biomaps.
利用全文出版物深入了解 C. elegans 和 Drosophila 生物圖譜。
BMC Genomics 2024-11-13
Network for Knowledge Organization (NEKO): an AI knowledge mining workflow for synthetic biology research.
知識組織網絡 (NEKO):一個用於合成生物學研究的 AI 知識挖掘工作流程。
Metab Eng 2024-11-23
Exploring the potential of large language model-based chatbots in challenges of ribosome profiling data analysis: a review.
Brief Bioinform 2024-12-12