The OPTN Expeditious Task Force: Improved Organ Utilization and Efficiency to Drive Transformational Growth in Solid Organ Transplant in the United States.
OPTN 快速行動小組:改善器官利用率和效率以推動美國實體器官移植的轉型增長。
Am J Kidney Dis 2024-10-09
Kidney Organ Allocation System: How to Be Fair.
Semin Nephrol 2023-03-06
移植手術救命,但器官短缺。理想分配應考慮最大利益,公平對待各群體,不 ben ben 任何一方。平衡公平、效用、成本、效率至關重要。探討建立公平器官分配系統的道德挑戰,著重全球已故捐贈者腎臟移植,以美國、澳洲、香港為例。
Introducing Incentives and Reducing Disincentives in Enhancing Deceased Organ Donation and Transplantation.
Semin Nephrol 2023-03-06
Referral and Beyond: Restructuring the Kidney Transplant Process to Support Greater Access in the United States.
Am J Kidney Dis 2024-04-26