Amelioration of diabetic kidney injury with dapagliflozin is associated with suppressing renal HMGB1 expression and restoring autophagy in obese mice.
J Diabetes Complications 2023-12-15
Dapagliflozin ameliorates diabetic renal injury through suppressing the self-perpetuating cycle of inflammation mediated by HMGB1 feedback signaling in the kidney.
Eur J Pharmacol 2023-02-23
Dapagliflozin alleviates renal fibrosis in a mouse model of adenine-induced renal injury by inhibiting TGF-β1/MAPK mediated mitochondrial damage.
Front Pharmacol 2023-03-25
Dapagliflozin can alleviate renal fibrosis in rats with streptozotocin‑induced type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Exp Ther Med 2023-12-01
SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin protects the kidney in a murine model of Balkan nephropathy.
SGLT2 抑制劑達帕格魯洛辛在巴爾幹腎病的小鼠模型中保護腎臟。
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2024-02-23