Utilizing Raman spectroscopy for urinalysis to diagnose acute kidney injury stages in cardiac surgery patients.
Ren Fail 2024-07-12
Integrated Analysis of Blood and Urine Biomarkers to Identify Acute Kidney Injury Subphenotypes and Associations With Long-term Outcomes.
Am J Kidney Dis 2024-03-12
Assessment of urine CCL2 as a potential diagnostic biomarker for acute kidney injury and septic acute kidney injury in intensive care unit patients.
Ren Fail 2024-02-20
Acute kidney injury in children undergoing cardiac surgery: predictive value of kidney arterial Doppler-based variables.
Pediatr Nephrol 2024-02-28
The role of biomarkers in early identification of acute kidney injury among non-critically ill patients.
J Nephrol 2024-06-05
Comprehensive biomarker assessment for predicting severe acute kidney injury and need of kidney replacement therapy in liver transplantation patients.
Ren Fail 2024-09-17
Urinary Cytokeratin 20 as a Biomarker for AKI-CKD Transition among Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure and AKI.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2024-10-28
Biomarker Panels for Predicting Progression of Kidney Disease in Acute Kidney Injury Survivors.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2024-12-13