Association of retinal age gap with chronic kidney disease and subsequent cardiovascular disease sequelae: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study from the UK Biobank.
Clin Kidney J 2024-07-11
The Relationship between Vascular Aging Phenotypes and Renal Damage among Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.
與 2 型糖尿病患者腎損傷之間的血管老化表現關係。
Cardiorenal Med 2024-03-19
Diabetic Retinopathy and Chronic Kidney Disease: Associations and Comorbidities in a Large Diabetic Population - The Tongren Health Care Study.
糖尿病視網膜病變與慢性腎臟病:在大型糖尿病人群中的關聯性與合併症 - 同仁醫療研究。
Am J Nephrol 2024-04-04
A deep learning system for retinal vessel calibre improves cardiovascular risk prediction in Asians with chronic kidney disease.
Clin Kidney J 2024-02-08
Kidney and cardiovascular outcomes in older population with mildly to moderately decreased kidney function - A nationwide cohort study.
輕度至中度腎功能減退的老年人口腎臟和心血管結果 - 一項全國性隊列研究。
Am J Nephrol 2024-10-27
Pathophysiology of vascular ageing and the effect of novel cardio-renal protective medications in preventing progression of chronic kidney disease in people living with diabetes.
Diabet Med 2024-11-05
Correlation between Fundus Damage and Renal Function Deterioration in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.
Kidney Blood Press Res 2024-11-11
Association between renal function and memory-related disease: evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study.
Ren Fail 2025-03-04