Comparison of feasibility and effectiveness of tunneled dialysis catheter placement with or without DSA guidance: a propensity score-matched cohort study.
Ren Fail 2024-07-10
The impact of vascular access type on survival in haemodialysis: time for a paradigm shift? A prospective cohort study.
J Nephrol 2023-12-20
Safety and durable patency of tunneled hemodialysis catheter inserted without fluoroscopy.
Kidney Res Clin Pract 2023-12-08
Effect of a Multifaceted Intervention on the Incidence of Hemodialysis Catheter Dysfunction in a National Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial.
Kidney Int Rep 2023-10-20
The value of transthoracic echocardiography and chest X-ray in locating the tip of central venous catheter in dialysis patients: a comparative study with computed tomography imaging.
Ren Fail 2023-12-23
Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheter Tip Design and Risk of Catheter Dysfunction: An Australian Nationwide Cohort Study.
Am J Kidney Dis 2024-03-25
Replacement Strategies for Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheters with Complications: A Nationwide Cohort Study.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2024-06-24
Vascular access type and prognosis in elderly hemodialysis patients: a propensity-score-matched study.
Ren Fail 2024-08-09
Is it possible to reach the catheter target proposed by the guidelines? Reasons for catheter use in prevalent hemodialysis patients.
Nefrologia (Engl Ed) 2024-11-07