Early versus delayed weight-bearing following operatively treated ankle fracture (WAX): a non-inferiority, multicentre, randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2024-06-07
A peer-led walking intervention for adolescent girls (the WISH study): a cluster-randomised controlled trial.
一項針對青少女的同儕領導步行干預研究(WISH 研究):一項集群隨機對照試驗。
Lancet 2024-03-08
Targeted prophylactic anticoagulation based on the TRiP(cast) score in patients with lower limb immobilisation: a multicentre, stepped wedge, randomised implementation trial.
基於 TRiP(cast) 評分的下肢固定患者定向預防性抗凝:多中心、階梯式、隨機實施試驗。
Lancet 2024-03-18
Telerehabilitation consultations with a physiotherapist for chronic knee pain versus in-person consultations in Australia: the PEAK non-inferiority randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2024-04-01
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an individualised, progressive walking and education intervention for the prevention of low back pain recurrence in Australia (WalkBack): a randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2024-06-22