Association between proteinuria and mineral metabolism disorders in chronic kidney disease: the Japan chronic kidney disease database extension (J-CKD-DB-Ex) - 慢性腎病中蛋白尿與礦物質代謝異常的關聯:日本慢性腎病數據庫擴展 (J-CKD-DB-Ex)
Association between urine creatinine excretion and bone mineral density in chronic kidney disease: Results from the KNOW-CKD study.
慢性腎病中尿液肌酸酐排泄與骨礦密度之間的關聯:來自 KNOW-CKD 研究的結果。
J Nephrol 2024-10-30
Association between CKD-MBD biomarkers and symptom burden in older patients with advanced CKD: Results from the EQUAL study.
慢性腎病-礦物質與骨骼疾病 (CKD-MBD) 生物標記與晚期慢性腎病 (CKD) 老年患者症狀負擔之間的關聯:來自 EQUAL 研究的結果。
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2024-07-22
Nonlinear association between proteinuria levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease events and all-cause mortality among chronic kidney disease patients.
Ren Fail 2024-02-15
Real-world usage of Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) biomarkers in nephrology practices.
Clin Kidney J 2024-01-16
Proteinuria screening and risk of bone fracture: a retrospective cohort study using a nationwide population-based database.
蛋白尿篩檢與骨折風險:使用全國人口基礎資料庫的回顧性 cohort 研究。
Clin Kidney J 2024-01-16
The association between bone density of lumbar spines and different daily protein intake in different renal function.
Ren Fail 2024-01-16
Proteinuria, measured or estimated albuminuria for risk prediction in patients with chronic kidney disease?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2024-02-29
Association between CKD-MBD and mortality in older patients with advanced CKD-results from the EQUAL study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 2023-11-02